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Sensory Provision

The Sensory Provision comprises four classes; Swifts, Falcons, Herons and Flamingos.

Students in the Sensory provision are grouped by need rather than key stage. Post 16 students have opportunities to access activities such as ASDAN at specified times throughout the school week.

We use a Total Communication approach that consists of;

  • Signing
  • Symbols
  • PECS, verbal
  • Go Talk, communication boards/books
  • Body language
  • Zones of Regulation

Daily colour and music themes are also used to support the total communication approach.

The class day is divided up using a visual timetable with some students having personal schedules to help with processing, regulation, and structure.  The Sensory Provision follows Modules from the Equals Pre-Formal and Informal Curriculums, alongside a bespoke ‘Wren Offer’.

The learning in the Sensory department is designed to support students to develop the skills that will support them in later life. Students in the Sensory department have a range of complex medical and physical needs. Meeting these needs is embedded into the school day.

Students experience sessions and activities repeated over time to build Exploration, Realisation, Anticipation, Persistence, and Initiation.

The Sensory curriculum consists of;

  • Equals Pre-Formal and Informal modules,
  • Sensory stories
  • Play
  • Sensory Cooking

Alongside the bespoke Wren Offer, which features a range of activities including community visits, movement programmes, creativity, exploratory play, outside learning.

The curriculum follows a rolling three-year programme of themes, linking across the Sensory story, Creativity and Sensory cooking activities. Activities are either termly or half-termly, depending on class group needs. Year 11 – 13 students access ASDAN modules including Sensory story and Creative experiences.

Termly themes.
Year One

Autumn – Seasonal Suprises

Spring – New beginnings.

Summer – Festivals & Fairgrounds

Year Two

Autumn – On the Farm

Spring – Ready, Steady, Grow

Summer – Sand and Sea

Year Three

Autumn – Ghosts and Ghouls

Spring – It’s Showtime

Summer – Heroes and Villains

Curriculum Philosophy:

The biggest indicator for a successful life is social capital – the links and support networks that an individual has around them which support emotional health and wellbeing.

Our curriculum needs to be designed to develop these links:

  • Support for the individual to develop the skills to make links (self-regulation and communication skills) – Me.
  • Develop positive relationships (communication skills and emotional regulation) – We.
  • Build personal skills that help to develop positive mutually beneficial relationships, not only at an individual level but between groups (Our) and to benefit others (Your).

We support students to become;

  • Successful learners who make progress, enjoy learning and achieve their potential.
  • Confident adults who can live safe, healthy and happy lives.
  • Responsible adults who make a positive contribution to society.

We do this by ensuring the curriculum;

  • Is relevant to the specific needs of the student.
  • Offers ways to fulfil their full potential through problem-solving.
  • Is flexible to enable a highly personalised approach.
  • Builds on existing knowledge, skills and understanding by building connections.
  • Reflects the multicultural nature of the local and national community and builds on British values.
  • Encourages respect for others and the environment.
  • Develops confidence, self-esteem, self-regulation and independence.
  • Prepares students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adulthood.

An example Sensory Timetable