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Sensory - Future Destinations (Employment)


Sensory Cookery Eq.P

Sensory cooking is processed based learning with the focus on the activity and the exploration of the materials, mixing them, touching, smelling, tasting, looking at them, listening to the sounds they make when moved, shaken or stirred, rather than the finished article.

Wren Offer

Morning routine The morning routine helps students transition in to school and be ready for learning. The routine offers the opportunity to greet peers and staff members and be made aware of the timetable / activities for the day. Movement / sensory integration activities are offered as part of the transitional period.
Creativity Creativity sessions are part of processed based learning, allowing students to experience different materials, textures and activities, with the focus being on the process of the activity and not the finished article. Creativity session link to the termly themes throughout the year and include sensory art, music and dance sessions.
Assembly Assembly offers a social opportunity for students to mix with peers from other classes, share and reflect on the week, and celebrate achievements and special events.
Outside Play Outside play offers students the opportunity to experience play equipment, turn taking, changing seasons, sensory experiences and social interactions. The session promotes communication, physical and emotional wellbeing
Therapies Therapies are offered on a daily basis to students, and follows advice from Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists, promoting physical and emotional wellbeing.


ASDAN Creative Experiences.

A weekly session with a mixed group of year 11 –13 students from the four Sensory provision classes. Creative experiences sessions are linked to the Termly ASDAN Sensory story, and offers the students opportunities to experience a range of art mediums, make choices, share resources, and work as a group to create costumes and props to be used in the Sensory story sessions.