Pupil Progress
In school, we have termly Pupil Progress meetings where we review the PLGs as well as consider other factors that could affect learning, such as, behaviour, attendance, medical issues, and any other external issues.
For the PLGs we directly relate an outcome to the five areas of our curriculum listed below. These are directly linked to the EHCP and are reviewed termly. Feedback on progress towards these outcomes is given to families via the Annual Review process and by Mid-Year and End of Year reports.
- For each area of the curriculum, a pupil will have a Personalised Learning Goal (PLG).
- PLGs are linked to their EHCP outcomes.
- PLGs are assessed using the Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress (MAPP) criteria.
We track the EHCP outcomes across the five areas of our curriculum.
- Communication
- God Health
- Friends, Relationships and Community
- Independent Living
- Future Destinations (Employment)
We also monitor SMSC; PSHE and Careers (Careers within Future Destinations).
The School also baselines pupils using the Wren Level and individually monitors using the Pen Portraits.
Progress against PLGs is measured against these four MAPP principles: