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Collaborative - Friends, Relationships & Community

Wren Offer

Playground Interacting and playing with learners across the school. Opportunity to mix and play with ball games, hoops, sand trays, or on play equipment outside.
Structured Play Various resources are used to encourage play alongside and with peers. Trays of different small world items, e.g. farm animals or construction resources are provided to encourage play and interaction.
RSE – External Body Parts

During RSE sessions, we use reference to the different body parts, play warm-up games involving using different body parts, e.g. "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" or ‘Simon says’ - referring to body parts.


We explore principles of relationships, friendships, and what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like.

Outdoor Learning Use of outdoor areas to encourage learners’ appreciation of the outdoors. Orienteering sessions, whereby learners have a picture of the outdoor space, and they have to locate and bring back the number from that place. Complete this individually or with a partner. Use a nearby park – learners walk to the park, practising road safety, and then play together in the park.


Allotment/Outdoor Play

The allotment provides an outdoor learning environment where students can use physical motor skills to take part in looking after plants. Students play an active role in preparing the allotment, planting plants, and caring for them. Students learn about how to grow plants, and see the effects of land-to-plate by cooking their own produce.